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how old was jesus when they fled to egypt

how old was jesus when they fled to egypt

The fact is, however, such a conjecture cannot logically be upheld unless both of the inspired writers claimed to write exhaustive, chronological accounts of everything Jesus did. Perhaps I have misinterpreted your explanation, can you please clarify? The Wise Men/Toddler Jesus crowd agree with Herod's conclusion. What was is Jewish name? When King Herod had died, Joseph could take his wife and child back to Nazareth from the exile in Egypt, where they fled to escape King Herod's order of killing all boys. The gospel of Matthew tells us that after the wise men had started back home, An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. Matthew doesnt say that the Magi went to Bethlehem and found Jesus in the manger. Luke 1:57-80. Where Christ as a child used his powers to bend the branch to give shade to his holy mother from the sun. What year was Jesus Christ born? In unreserved obedience, Joseph "rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed to Egypt and remained there until the death of Herod.This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, 'Out of Egypt I called my son'" (2:14-15). It clearly shows how the Bible stories are imbeded in many cultures. It is that he most likely WAS white based on the fact that he was an Israeli and most Israelis are white. If Jesus stayed one year or longer in Egypt he would not have been able to observe the day of atonement and various festivals commanded in the law of Moses. On a recent visit to Cairo ,I visited a place where it was claimed Jesus lived with his parents. Return from Egypt Sometime after Herod had died, the holy family returns from Egypt . There are traditions in Egypt that Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Elephantine for safety and to be in a Jewish community. Read the book of Revelation charter 12 ,verss 4 ,5 ,and 6. Jacob is between 130 and 147 years old. If Jesus is a Greek translation. God in a dream, takes Mary and Jesus and goes down into Egypt. In Nazareth, the angel Gabriel told Joseph to take Mary as his wife, for that which was conceived in her was of the Holy Ghost. After the Magi had left, an angel appeared to Joseph and said to him, "Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. He adds that God wasnt counting peoples sins against them. That is, God extended forgiveness. If youre not yet familiar with the term and concept of recapitulation as used in Christian theology, you have some wonderful discoveries ahead of you. I hope these comments were helpful. That is, he gave it a fuller and deeper meaning in light of the significance of his own life. Battle of Megiddo. One consequence of that is that his life is not as well documented as wed like it to be, but Im sure wed agree the trade-off is worth it. But, according to Galatians 1:17-18, Paul actually went to Arabia, back to Damascus, and then after three years he went up to Jerusalem. And that reminds us in this season when we are anticipating the Feast of the Incarnation (Christmas) that he truly did come to earthas you say, to save us. (LogOut/ 2:11 says the Magi visited the Lord and his mother in a house. To bring about all of these effects and more, Jesus did have to die, not just explain something to us. The way the gospel writers see Jesus reliving the experience of Israel is another biblical example. But Matthew discreetly does not say where Jesus actually was when they arrived, just that the Magi followed the star from Jerusalem to that place. How long did Jesus parents hide him in Egypt? The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 2, gives a biblical summary of Christ's early infancy and childhood. If this were true and Jesus did not observe these festivals during his stay in Egypt. O lay aside each earthly thing As the apostle John proclaimed, Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book, but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name (20:30-31, emp. Some children see Him bronzed and brown, 1:18-25. It was true that Herod died within a relatively short time, but his son still took over. 2:13-23 points to migration as a divinely sanctioned or divinely ordained way of life, and that it underlines the . Then they continued traveling to Mostorod, a city north of Cairo. The flight into Egypt is a story recounted in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:13-23) and in New Testament apocrypha. The idea that the Lord might have been up to 2 years old when the Magi visited comes from the fact that Herod had all the male babies under 2 years of age in Bethlehem killed in an effort to kill Jesus. . So the gospels only record one trip to Egypt by Jesus, when he was an infant. It seems to me that the most likely scenario is that Jesus was born around 6 B.C., the wise men (by their own account) arrived in Jerusalem two years later in 4 B.C., and in that same year . When he is eight days old, Jesus is circumcised as is traditional for Jewish boys. Those people are brown to black skinned in those days. Matthew. It isnt that people want Jesus to be white. Your story demonstrates that there was a house somewhere in Egypt where Jesus lived with his parents. He is predicted to return in the End Times and there is no suggestion in the scriptures that he is going to do so by being born of a woman then, so why should it have been any different when he came originally? So what exactly was Jesus death all about? Herod died in 4 B.C. This would have taken place at least 41 days after the birth (Lev.12:3-4) and explains why they stayed in Bethlehem after Jesus was born. Joseph, right after the Magi leave, is warned in a dream to flee to Egypt until Herod dies (Matthew 2:13 - 15). It is not true that the people of Israel are brown. It was between the age of eleven and twelve that he was summoned to return to Jerusalem. But thought, since Jesus was the sacrificial lamb, he would not need to. At the age of about 30 , he d returned to the Middle East and the life that is familiar to us from the New Testament. Matthews account seems to have been structured so that the prophecy in the Book of Revelation of the Woman with 12 Stars giving birth to a child and being confronted by the dragon should be fulfilled Matthews gospel is riddled with accounts of events happening so that the prophecy should be fulfilled to the extent that his account of the Nativity is not taken seriously by scholars. Scripture tells of Joseph returning to Nazareth, avoiding any further residence in Judea. Dr. Elmer Towns is a college and seminary professor, an author of popular and scholarly works (the editor of two encyclopedias), a popular seminar lecturer, and dedicated worker in Sunday school, and has developed over 20 resource packets for leadership education.His personal education includes a B.S. Mary was Blackthat makes Jesus Black. The Holy Family fled into Egypt, a land of the Gentiles, on February 17, 1 A.D. 6 around September and the year is 2017 so he would be between 2021 and 2023 years old . Four doctoral dissertations have analyzed his contribution to religious education and evangelism. It is argued that this example in Matt. Jesus circumcision in Bethlehem: Luke 2: 21: 2 nd of February 4 BC: Purification of Mary in Jerusalem: Luke 2: 22: February and/ or March 4 BC: Fled to and dwelt in Egypt: Matthew 2:13-15: April 4 BC: Herod death, Mary family left Egypt and went to Palestine when Jesus was 4 months old. When Jesus was 40 days old, Joseph . I believe Jesus was born of a virgin, both man and God. The writer cited Luke and Mathew as a reference. I dont personally believe that the symbolism of the woman with a crown of 12 stars in the book of Revelation indicates that Jesus lived in Egypt for 12 months. So many of the dates in the Bible are vague or unascertainable, but here for once is an event that can be confidently dated. But by the time Jesus begins his public ministry . Therefore, Moses was at least 80 years old at the red Sea and at Sinai when he received the 10 Commandments from the LORD. Its thought by Christian denominations and Muslims that Our Lady was trying to help peace outlook by appearing in the traditional town thought to have been the Familys refuge. . Jesus was a refugee in Egypt and this is the cave where he stayed with Mary and Joseph. When Muslims capture a city like Jerusalem they destroy every bit of history documenting any civilization before them. You could do research about these monestarys and churches in the Sina yourselves. (Even though A.D. dating is supposed to begin with the birth of Christ, it wasnt quite calculated correctly in the first place and so it actually begins a little way into his lifetime.). And he writes that if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. In other words, Jesus delivers us from the conditions that characterize the present evil age and enables us to live under the conditions that characterize the age to come or the new creation. Egypt has a very intimate connection with Bible history. Herod died in 4 B.C. After that they stopped at Sakha, and is the site of a rock that has an impression of the baby Jesus . Verifiable data available from Egyptian censuses and other large-scale nationwide surveys indicate that Christians presently constitute around 5% of the Egyptian population. In Luke 2:21 we read that the Lord was circumcised on the eighth day, but this didnt require them to go to the Temple. The Nativity and the Flight into Egypt took place in the last years before the death of Herod the Great which is known to have taken place in late March or early April, 4BC. There is no right way to god or mind power. Get up, he said, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. If each man is married with an average of 5 children, this brings the entire population of Israel to 6,000,000. We dont always see immediately what feels like fitting retribution for atrocities like this one that he committed, but in this case it seems that the perpetrator very quickly joined his victims in death and had to answer for his crimes. . Herod died 4 BC, five days after he had put his son, Antipeter, to death and a little before the Passover. For example, its specified that Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, recapitulating Israels 40 years there, and that he chose 12 apostles, mirroring the 12 tribes of Israel. We grow food to support a community, build and repair homes, and support the poor, widows, and the fatherless. Jonathan Cahn has explained how Jesus birth date was Nisan one, 6BC; or March 20th. When Christ was born, it was the time, literally, in history that Egypt had fallen fully from its glory, as God said would happen. In Jerusalem, at least 40 days after His birth, Jesus was dedicated at the . He was a consulting editor to the International Bible Society (now Biblica) for The Books of the Bible, an edition of the New International Version (NIV) that presents the biblical books according to their natural literary outlines, without chapters and verses. 2:19-23 says that Joseph Mary and Jesus returned from Egypt around that same time. Actually, when something in the life of Jesus recapitulates the history of Israel, the gospel writers usually give the specifics. Rally I agreed Woman with 12 stars round her head Alan Peters opinion 12 Stars indicaes around Mother Marys Head is true as per the old testment Abraham grand Son JOCOB having 12 Sons, at time of critical stage they went to Egypt for morethan 400 years and 12 generations brought from egypt to Jerusalem 12 generations under leadership of Moses. | Good Question, Egypt The Flight Into Egypt | Joseph Bias Ministries, Was Jesus ever in Egypt after being there as a child? Ex 12:37-51 The Israelites set out from Avaris (Raamses) on the 14th day of the Jewish month of Nisan in c.1447BC. Luke 2:39; Matthew 2: 15, 19-23 But he came in a very different way for an important reasonto show us that whoever would be the greatest must be the least and the servant of all. Those who choose not to believe, in this freely given eternal life, are only giving up the best thing ever!!! I think it was closer to seven years. It was, however, no more than two years after Jesus was born, because Herod then tried to kill Jesus by slaying all of the baby boys who had been born in Bethlehem in the past two years, based on when the wise men told him they first saw the star. . This passage identifies the place of Christ's birth as being Bethlehem of Judea and the time of His birth was . The Hebrew is Yehoshua, which means Yahweh saves. Its usually translated Joshua in the Old Testament, and its sometimes said as Yeshua today. Some of them are quite white. Then they continued traveling to Mostorod, a city north of Cairo. As we saw in Session 14, this concept is so rich in meaning that it needs to be seen from more than one perspective to be fully appreciated. Simply because Matthew or Luke or any other Bible writer does not mention everything that every other Bible writer mentions about the same general time or event, does not mean that someone has erred. Joseph, acting with complete docility, rose up, took the Child and his Mother by night, and fled into Egypt (Mt 2:14). Luke 1:39-56. Ultimately through his death and resurrection, Jesus inaugurated a new Israel composed of those people from every nation who put their faith and trust in him. Heres why. Personal updates from Samantha. How did the shepherds know where to find babyJesus? And under the beliefs that Christ as a child and his holy family lived there for years and not months. He took his family and fled to Egypt to fulfill the prophecy found in Hosea 11:1 that God's beloved Son would be called out of Egypt. Thank you for your explanations, which are helpful. can u explain why joseph was not recognized by his brothers when they came here in egypt? Why were some books removed from the Bible and is it a sin to read them? Mt 2:13 And when they were departed. He is the author of all the teachings here, and all materials are available free of charge! Why did God reject Saul as king for making one small mistake? Paul says here that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. That is, Jesus substituted himself for us as the one under Gods curse for breaking the law. So if Jesus actually had spent 430 days in Egypt, recapitulating Israels 430 years there, Im sure Matthew would have specified the number. He was active in parish and student ministry for twenty-five years. I dont know that the Revelation account in ch 12 is necessarily an account of Jesus time in Egypt-that would mean Revelation, or the Apocalypse, had already happened, but could be. Joseph immediately heeded the warning from the angel and woke up Mary and Jesus. Nicolas Poussin, The Holy Family in Egypt. . There is no historical proof that Jesus was born of a woman, only historical evidence that he existed as an adult, because Josephus, the 1st century historian mentions him by name. So dates and places that would otherwise have been better documented have to be identified tentatively by the kind of inferences I discuss in this post. Sometimes people now use the terms BCE (before the common era) and CE (common era) to avoid precisely the confusion youre pointing out. Egyptian Christians date their first bishop to the days of Mark the Evangelist.. Christopher, loved the poem. CHRIST IS RISEN.TRULY RISEN. ESV Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.". His Understanding the Books of the Bible study guide series is keyed to this format. I dont understand how you can say Jesus was born in 6 B.C., when B.C. means Before Christ. Please put more melaine in the skin of Mary and Joseph and Jesus! 2:13 says that they fled to Egypt after the Magi visited. Alfred Plummer, in his exegetical commentary on the Gospel according to Matthew, notes that, We know neither how old the child Christ was when He was taken into Egypt nor how long he remained there. The flight into Egypt is a story recounted in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:13-23) and in New Testament apocrypha. So 12 Stars around Mother Mary head indicaes 12 months and 12 jesus followers. Then in Session 19, about Galatians, I note that in this letter Paul gives several more illustrations of how Jesus life, death, and resurrection bring us salvation. john aylward notre dame; randy newberg health problems Rather he didnt perfectly observe the law of Moses. Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, "Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him." . Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea. Taught by tradition as set forth by God. Revelations 12:5 She gave birth to a male child [Jesus], one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child[Jesus] was caught up to God and to his throne, 6 and the woman [Mary] fled into the wilderness [Egypt], where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days. Opening up another front against the atomization of the Scriptures: A review of the ESV ReadersBible, The Birth Of A King Part 21 | Joseph Bias Ministries, Did Joseph and Mary take Jesus to Egypt because they could blend in there, Which angel told Jesus parents to take him to Egypt? Published The story of Gods faithfulness to my late wife and me during the 4 1/2 years when she battled ALS (Lou Gehrigs disease) with unfailing faith, joy, and courage. The family traveled to Nazareth which took them a journey of at least 170 kilometers. Why can no one accept that the most logical and efficient way to have accomplished His mission to educate and prepare us, would be to arrive, carry out the mission and return to where he came from as soon as he was finished.This is exactly how his life on earth is recorded in Mark and John. This is not including the mixed multitude that came out with them (Exodus 12:38) or the flocks and herds that they also brought out. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. But it contradicts to His dedication at the temple when He was 8 days old. You can also read or download the study guides in my Understanding the Books of the Bible series by using the Free Study Guides link at the top of this page. There were a few TV programmes about it. Later, upon Herod's death, Jesus' family relocated from Egypt to . 2016 | Maturity Rating: PG-13 | 1h 50m | Faith & Spirituality. But in other cases a writer might use this notation to avoid just the type of confusion you pointed out, with Christ being born before Christ. I think we should assume up front that people have constructive motives unless they specifically express hostility. If you have a question, please use the link at the top left of this page to reach the comment box. The book of Acts records that Jews from all over the Roman Empire came to Jerusalem for the festivals. The aforementioned art work is interesting. All my bibles says 1,260 days so l thought that was = to 4.59 years call it 4.6 if you will. Remembering that they told him they first saw the star two years ago, he orders all male children in Bethlehem (and the surrounding areas!) He was being taught while he was in Egypt. 13-15. NIV When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. Much of this artwork was created BEFORE the sixth century. Joseph and Mary leave town without the 12-year-old Jesus, thinking him to be in another part of their caravan. Why arent his life events such as how long he was in Egypt, just to name one, more obvious? To few do not care. 2021 Calvary Chapel Augusta - WordPress Theme : by, How old was jesus when he returned from egypt, Jesus came to seek and save those who were lost, What happened after jesus rose on the third day, What was jesus wrapped in when he was born, Why did jesus go to the desert for 40 days, Why is jesus called the lion of the tribe of judah. A quick intro and overview of our ministry and this website, plus some best-of articles and Q&A. Soon after the visit by the Magi, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream telling him to flee to Egypt with Mary and the infant Jesus since King Herod would seek the child to kill him. A prophecy, of necessity, relates to a future event and the Birth of Jesus was already neary 100 years in the past when this prophecy was made in 93AD. In other words, only those who believe they are forgiven and ask God for forgiveness, can be forgiven. Before the present day world view of Black people was distorted and perverted. How was Jesus from the line of King David if his real father was not Joseph? Jesus Christ stayed in Egypt for 1266 days which is 3 years and 5 months and some days. They escape by night, just before Herod orders the murder of all baby boys born in and around Bethlehem during the last two years. The family had long since left Bethlehem and returned home by the time the Magi arrived in the area about two years after Jesus birth. And when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast. Why did Joseph take Mary and Jesus to Egypt? Jesus name in Hebrew was Yeshua which translates to English as Joshua. The allegation that Matthew and Lukes accounts are contradictory is actually based on an assumption: the skeptic assumes that Matthew and Luke each included all of the whereabouts of Jesus family during His early life. Must women have children in order to be redeemed or absolved from reproach? The date of birth of Jesus is not stated in the gospels or in any historical reference, but most theologians assume a year of birth between 6 and 4 BC. REPRODUCTION & DISCLAIMERS: We are happy to grant permission for this article to be reproduced in part or in its entirety, as long as our stipulations are observed.

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how old was jesus when they fled to egypt